This unit is being sold on consignment AS IS, given that it is older reel to reel it is recommended that in addition to the sticker price it receive some attention from a tech - Marrs Audio can provide this service.
The Roberts 770X features include two separate amplifier units resulting in easy identification of channel controls, built in monitor speakers with on/off switch, the recording light is driven from the erase circuits, very positive lock-out to prevent accidental recording, sound on sound facility; dubbing from left to right, pause button which may be locked in either run or pause mode, and a tape tension idler with built in cleaning pad.
In addition, the end of tape can be set to either automatically stop the mechanism or turn off the entire machine.
Track system: 4-track, 2-channel, stereo/monaural system
Heads: 1 x playback/record, 1 x erase, 1 x bias
Motor: 2 speed hysteresis synchronous
Equalization: NARTB
Tape speeds: 1 7⁄8 3 3⁄4 7 1⁄2 ips
Wow and flutter: 0.15% (7 1⁄2 ips)
Frequency response: 40Hz to 20kHz (7 1⁄2 ips)
Signal to Noise Ratio: 45dB
Total harmonic distortion: 3%
Output power: 6 watts
Valve complement: 2 x EF86, 1 x 12AD7, 2 x 12AX7, 2 x 6X4, 1 x 6AR5
Dimensions: 20 x 14 x 9 inches
Weight: 48lbs
Note: optional 15 ips conversion kit